Isolated Conversations are a Thing of the Past, the Connected Customer Experience is Now

Customers don’t need to be wowed. They’re busy. They want a streamlined experience where, at any given moment, they are recognized, understood, and provided quick and seamless resolution. They are looking for an easy, personalized, connected and consistent experience. That’s it.

Whether they sent an email, chat, text, or called, customers expect agents to know. Whether they reached out yesterday, last week, or last year, they expect agents to know. Simply, customers are asking to be remembered and appreciated.

How easy is it for your agents to know your customers? Can they access customer information across systems?  Are all your systems aligned?  How easily can your agents share data with other agents?  To understand every customer experience, your agents need usable data that is easy to access and is available within an integrated and simplified framework that doesn’t add cost and complexity to your overall contact center infrastructure.

Call Center IQ’s 2016 Executive Report on Next-Generation Customer Engagement gets to the real requirements of customer journey management and presents a practical guide to delivering a customer experience that is simple, efficient, personalized, connected and consistent – at any place and any time.  The basic tenets of a great omnichannel framework are laid out in a simple way that makes it easy for contact centers to devise and deploy a pragmatic plan of attack for a total omnichannel customer-centric approach.

Read the full, free report here.